Tell Us What You Think of the Democrats Comments
The Democrat Party is quickly becoming a Party that looks to
blame America first, and demonstrates a willingness to say
anything to attack the President. Days before the war Tom
Daschle blamed any potential war casualties on President Bush.
Joe Lieberman called President Bush a "greater threat to
peace than Saddam Hussein." Dick Gephardt claimed that
President Bush is "bullying" the world. And just
yesterday, John Kerry called for "regime change" in
the U.S.
Tell us what you think of these radical comments by filling out
this form below.
comments below:
As a Republican of many years, who is about to make a change,
I do not feel John Kerry's remarks are far off base at all. We
have acted unprofessionally and arrogantly in our approach to
this Iraqi problem and as a proud American, I am embarrassed by
our actions!
It's time to stop the bullying of Americans as well. When
President Bush said, basically, you are either with the enemy or
us, he challenged more then Democrats. He may be the president,
but I am the captain of my ship and my free will was/has been
challenged by many things he has foolishly said.
Greatness does not make fun of others and arrogantly alienate
our friends. Greatness (that knows Gods will and plan) practices
patience! Anyone paying attention these last years has not seen
anything but bullying tactics, of one kind or another.
I am glad someone has finally spoke up! It's too bad there is
not a "Red Blooded Republican who remembers this nations
history" and has had the courage to say what must be said;
We are going in the wrong direction for our Nations pride, the
world at large, and for Gods plan for us, unless of course, we
are to be the catalyst that sets the stage for the Anti Christ!
Sorry, but George Bush the lesser, is not a leader, he is a
spoiled child who conveys this message, "If I can't get my
way I will pick up my toys and leave and/or blow up your
families futures." He acts delusional! He doesn't speak
with conviction with or without reading from the IDIOT BOX!
I have had enough and I am not afraid to speak out even though,
under George W. Bush, that also seems to be becoming an offense
in a society that professes to be free. Decency and innocence
can/are being punished by this new ignorance as Americans are
more divided then ever. It Is those that do not speak out that I
am worried about.
Long live America and those that cherish her birthright and that
marvelous piece of paper written on Papyrus:
"The Constitution of These United
Sincerely Submitted: "to our glorious history
of the
Brave who "Dare To Dream" and be
Uncommonly Different,
with the Courage
to speak out in the name of
Barbara Costello
Las Vegas, Nevada